How Rains Make You a Better Driver – Monsoon Driving Tips
Here’s the thing about the monsoons. You never know when a huge shower is going to hit. Of course, you can anticipate heavy rains, but more often than not, they have a mind of their own. And so, on a day when you least expect it, the showers hit. And that leads to almost complete chaos on the roads, which can only lead to one thing — traffic jams. In this chaos where everyone is in a rush to reach the safety of their homes, disaster is almost inevitable. Almost. Here is how you can get home safely, even during a heavy downpour.
- Lights on
Heavy rainfall usually means low visibility. And low visibility leads to dangerous situations. To avoid collisions and to make everyone aware of your presence, always drive with your headlights on. For good measure, turn on your hazard lights too. This way, you’re taking all the necessary precautions.
- Stuck in the middle
Have you noticed that when you drive, you tend to stick to the outer lanes? While this might be beneficial for you on other days, on rainy days, it might turn into a problem. That’s because if there is any water logging, it will usually be on the outer lanes. So, on rainy days, make the middle lane your best friend to avoid getting stuck in water logged areas.
- Horn okay? Please.
Now, if you have been driving in India, you are no stranger to the sound of cars honking. While honking is generally not a good driving practice, it can prove helpful to use it while driving and making turns during the rains. The horn will make sure that you have a safe drive, no matter the heavy rains.
- Distance yourself
While everyone wants to close up any distance between vehicles to beat the traffic, it’s not really a safe idea to do that during the rains. Braking smoothly and quickly becomes a problem on slippery, wet roads and so, the closer you are to the vehicle in front of you, the higher the chances of you colliding. So, keep a safe distance between yourself and the vehicles in front of you and enjoy the drive home.
- Don’t gear up
As the rains get heavier, the temptation to drive faster to reach home increases. As mentioned before, driving at high speeds on wet roads is a risk that you don’t want to take. So, keep your gear and speed low to maintain a better control of your car, especially in water logged areas. Quick tip. If you have to drive through a place which is water logged, put your car/bike on the first gear and keep accelerating. This way, the water won’t enter the exhaust pipe and stall your vehicle.
Check before you leap
Now that you have the tips to drive safely, here’s how you can make sure your vehicle is ready for the monsoons.
- Hit those brakes
Make sure you treat your brakes to a good brake oil to make sure they don’t cause any trouble during the rains. Brake oils such as the HP Super Duty Brake Fluid Dot 3, have a good tolerance to water, which help all automobiles brake systems.
- Keep the engine going
Using a Synthetic Engine Oil for both cars and bikes ensures that the engine is well lubricated and help your vehicle function smoothly, despite weather conditions.
Happy and safe driving, everyone!