How to Get Your Car Shipped To Another State?
Are you moving to another state?
If you are, then you probably have to take your car with you. Considering how stressful the moving process is, your vehicle might be the last thing on your mind, but eventually you need to take care of it.
If you move to a state somewhere close to the one where you live now, you can drive the vehicle yourself. However, if you are moving far away and travel there by plane, you can hire an auto transport company to bring your car safely to your new home.
There are plenty of auto transporters on the market, such as, so it won’t be hard to find one in the area where you live.
Before you hire an auto transporter, you should be informed on the types of services it offers and naturally the cost of transportation.
Choosing the method of transportation
These types of companies offer two ways in which your vehicle can be transported to another state, those being open-air truck and enclosed truck.
Open-air truck
This is the most common way of moving a car on a long distance. Approximately ten vehicles are placed on a long trailer, which has two levels. They are fixed at the bottom, so they can’t move along the trailer during the trip.
Open carriers are a cheaper mode than the enclosed ones, as you share the cost together with the owners of the other cars. However, everything comes with a price. By choosing an open carrier, your automobile is exposed to all kinds of weather along the way and there are higher chances of getting damaged.
When it comes to timing, this method takes more time for the car to be delivered and it’s usually dropped at some main location in the city, not directly to your home.
Enclosed truck
If you own a luxury auto or a normal-priced one, but you take an excellent care of it, then the enclosed carrier would be the right method for you. In this way, it won’t be exposed to weather conditions or additional damage and it’s placed in the truck along with four to five other vehicles.
This method is faster and delivers the automobile to your door, but it’s definitely more expensive than the open carrier. The price difference is huge, so you should choose the mode according to your preferences and budget.
Get your car ready
You are not the only one who gets ready for moving, your car must be ready too. You should spare some time for removing all the items inside, including the glove compartment where you usually keep your documents. Don’t leave anything, especially not something valuable.
You should also check the car for any damage or scratches and take photographs from every angle. These photos will serve as a proof in case it gets damaged during transport. Additionally, you can check the vehicle for mechanical problems as well.
Finally, don’t forget to leave just one quarter of your fuel tank and to inflate your tires if they are not in good condition. Also check the car battery and the brakes. Ensure that your battery is charged and the brakes functional.
The cost of shipping
Plenty of factors influence the cost of shipping. Normally, distance is the main one. The more kilometers your auto passes, the higher the cost. The same goes for its size and weight. If you have a large and quite heavy auto, you’ll pay more than a person who drives a smaller and lighter car.
The cost also depends on the shipping mode you choose. As mentioned before, the open carrier is cheaper than the enclosed one. Furthermore, the price of the fuel has a role as well. The cost for distance is calculated based on the ongoing fuel prices.
Insurance is also added to the cost, but most of the companies include it in their offers. Finally, the same service has different price in various companies. Make sure you check all the firms in your area prior to hiring one.
What happens after your automobile is shipped?
When the company delivers the car to your door, the process is not finished yet. You still have couple of more things to do.
First you need to check your auto carefully, for any possible damage that might have been caused along the way. If you notice something out of the ordinary, take pictures and immediately call the transport company for further instructions.
Afterwards, do not forget to register it in the new state. This is something people often tend to forget. Inquire about the registration period, as every state gives different number of days to complete the registration process. Make sure you don’t miss the given period.
Wrap up
Moving your car to another state is a task which should be taken seriously. This task will be done in the best possible way if you hire a professional auto transport company.
Your job would be to select the mode of transport which is suitable for you, prepare your vehicle for the road and calculate the approximate cost.
Make sure you check the offers of multiple firms before hiring the right one.
Having your auto delivered to your door by a transportation firm, will help you relax.
You know that your car will be trusted in the hands of professionals!