How to Find the Right Bike Engine Oil?

Lubrication is a kind of black art. The oil you choose for your bike engine does not only lubricate it but also help clean up emission as well as maintain fuel efficiency. Hence, manufacturers suggest that you should use the oil they recommend, and you should purchase it from a reliable source. However, if you are a DIY person and you want to change it yourself, here are some important tips for choosing your next bike engine oil:
Read the manual
The manual will help in understanding what oil is suggested for your bike. If you are willing to take the easy way out, just stick to what is in the manual.
Know the type of oil your vehicle will need
There are different types of oils available for automotive applications – gearboxes in vehicles also having oil in them; sometimes brake fluid is known as ‘brake oil’. But, just like you do not use cooking oil for your hair, you cannot interchange such oils.
Bike engine oils are different.
The engine oils manufactured for four-wheelers aren’t the same as the ones manufactured for bikes because of one main reason – most bikes bathe the clutch in the engine oil. Hence, they need a component of friction to them. This does not apply to cars with CVT transmissions or dry clutches, of course. You can go with a JASO specification that complies with bikes.
A specification is a standard through which oil can be judged. Even the same type of oil can have differences because of the several climate conditions it requires to operate. For instance, certain oil might not stay optimum during both winters in the Himalayas as well as summer in Rajasthan. The two types of specifications are from the Japanese Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel (JASO) and American Petroleum Institute (API). Many suppliers have their own way of standards, but an easy internet search will provide you with equal API or JASO specification.
Grading the oil
This is the way to put ‘W’ in the oil. The number explains the viscosity of the oil. Single-grade oil comes with a single numeral followed by ‘W’, such as ‘10W’. Multi-grade oil comes with two numerals on either side of the alphabet, for instance, ‘10W40’. Your supplier will have a suggested oil grade; it is ideal for sticking to that.
Different types of oils have additives in them. These aspects can perform, among other things, a detergent work that cleans deposits in the engine, as well as can stop corrosion as well. While these factors are not strictly important, their presence means a durable engine in the future.
Synthetic or not
Synthetic oils are known for their resistance to cold in sub-zero temperatures. The oil suppliers will have you believe that such oils last longer as well. But, they are quite a costly proposition, and for most regular applications, mineral oil is suitable. If you are on the fence about synthetic engine oils, you can also choose a blend of the two. They are known as semi-synthetic oils.
Different types of engine oils are available for bikes and cars. Depending on your needs, you can go for the right one. Thankfully, there are a number of online service providers available that specialize in providing different types of engine oils. Whether you want to purchase synthetic oil, semi-synthetic oil or mineral oil, you can easily purchase them from a reliable platform at great prices. All you have to do is to find a reliable online platform and place your order.